Lenten Worship Series: the questions in which we find ourselves
Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, and 13
Religion is too much associated with “having the answers.” Or perhaps worse, having “the right answer.” So it’s important for those of us within the tradition of an institutional religion to value more than answers, questions. Questions can indicate our focus as much as answers while avoiding the risks of prescriptive or absolute and certainly self-righteous answers. Questions also don’t just allow for, but encourage exploring possible answers without narrowing or limiting our attention to one.
We hope you’ll join us for Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m.
The Heart of Our Story: Our Church Covenant
Our Church Covenant guides our faith, at church and in the community.
“Trusting the we have been brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ,
We now solemnly covenant with each other that God enabling us:
We will walk together in Christian love, exercising care and watchfulness over each other;
We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves for worship nor omit the disciplines of Bible study and prayer;
We will participate in each other’s joys, and will bear with tenderness and sympathy each other’s burdens and sorrows;
We will endeavor to bring up those who are under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord;
We will labor together as faithful stewards to support a vibrant ministry and endeavor by example and effort to lead others to Christ.
We will seek throughout life to live to the glory of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
Each Communion Sunday (First Sunday of each month), we say these words as a congregation to celebrate and deepen our promise to God and to each other.
Our story, like yours, is unfolding.
Woodbrook Baptist Church is a welcoming and inclusive community of different stories, woven into a shared commitment of faith. With joy and honesty, we seek together the way of social justice, equality, and love.
Worship service, relaxed in practice, formal in liturgy
Sunday School and educational programs for all ages
Music with choirs and praise band
Nationally accredited Woodbrook Early Education (WEE) Center
The chance to grow in faith within an open community