Each November, we sponsor “Operation Joy” to provide holiday gifts for children and youth who are homeless and attend Baltimore County Public Schools. The “fire brigade” of gift bags to our Sanctuary is a much-anticipated event.
We are invested and involved in reaching out in service, locally and globally, in partnership with others seeking to work for good. Service opportunities are coordinated by the Service Ministry and open to everyone. We partner with a variety of organizations in many ways, from designated offerings and needed collections to annual trips to “A Thankful Hearts Pantry” in the Appalachian region of Kentucky.
Our Service Ministry hosts regular “Lunch with a Twist” meals after worship to educate the church about needs in our community and raise money to support them.
Partnership Organizations
Appalachian Mission Trips: Twice a year, our youth and adult volunteers join a church group from Waldorf, MD for service trips to Pikesville, Kentucky’s Thankful Hearts Pantry to distribute donated new school supplies and gently used clothing.
The Assistance Center of Towson Churches (ACTC): Woodbrook provides Thanksgiving baskets and collects donations to supply the pantry for two months each year.
Operation Joy for Baltimore County Public Schools, Office of Student Support Services: Assembling gift bags for children and youth who are currently experiencing homelessness and who attend Baltimore County Public schools.
Lunch with a Twist: On various Sundays after worship, the Service Ministry hosts a simple meal and educational program about a service partner. Participants donate what they would have spent on lunch out toward a designated ministry.
PASSPORT and PASSPORTKids: Our youth and children participate in summer camps with a missions emphasis.
WEE School: Built into the mission of the Woodbrook-founded WEE school are scholarships for families who can’t afford the tuition. WEE School is itself a ministry of the church.
Well for the Journey: Woodbrook’s connection with Well for the Journey, a local resource for spiritual living.
Alliance of Baptists: Our Advent Christmas mission offering supports this organization’s ministries.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Offering for Global Missions: Our Eastertide mission offering supports these ministries.
CrossLink: Equips medical mission teams, clinics, and mission hospitals with medicine, supplies, and eyeglasses.
Heifer International: Provides livestock and sustainable living to families in need.
The Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS): Promotes ongoing, relevant conversation and relationships between people of the book.
“Our passion to serve extends far beyond our church walls. Our approach is unique because it offers an educational component to service and opportunities to help for all ages. ”